
In Ergo Framework, an Application is a component that allows you to group a set of actors (and/or supervisors) and manage them as a single entity. The Application is responsible for starting each actor within the group and handling dependencies on other Applications if specified in the configuration. Additionally, the Application monitors the running processes and, depending on the mode chosen during startup, may stop all group members and itself if one of the processes terminates for any reason.

Create Application

To create an Application in Ergo Framework, the gen.ApplicationBehavior interface is provided:

type ApplicationBehavior interface {
	// Load invoked on loading application using method ApplicationLoad 
	// of gen.Node interface.
	Load(node Node, args ...any) (ApplicationSpec, error)
	// Start invoked once the application started
	Start(mode ApplicationMode)
	// Terminate invoked once the application stopped
	Terminate(reason error)

All methods of the gen.ApplicationBehavior interface must be implemented.

For example, if you want to combine an actor A1 and a supervisor S1 into a single application, the code for creating such an Application would look like this:

func createApp() gen.ApplicationBehavior {
	return &app{}

type app struct{}

func (a *app) Load(node gen.Node, args ...any) (gen.ApplicationSpec, error) {
	return gen.ApplicationSpec{
		Name: "my_app",
		Group: []gen.ApplicationMemberSpec{
				Name:    "a1", // start with registered name
				Factory: factory_A1,
				// omitted field Name. will be started with no name
				Factory: factory_S1,
	}, nil

func (a *app) Start(mode gen.ApplicationMode) {} // no need? keep it empty
func (a *app) Terminate(reason error)         {}

myApp := createApp()
appName, err := node.ApplicationLoad(myApp)

Since an Application, by its nature, is not a process, its startup is divided into two stages: loading and starting.

To load the application, the gen.Node interface provides the method ApplicationLoad. You pass your implementation of the ApplicationBehavior interface to this method. The node will then call the Load callback method of the gen.ApplicationBehavior interface, which must return the application's specification as a gen.ApplicationSpec:

type ApplicationSpec struct {
	Name        Atom
	Description string
	Version     Version
	Depends     ApplicationDepends
	Env         map[Env]any
	Group       []ApplicationMemberSpec
	Mode        ApplicationMode
	Weight      int
	LogLevel    LogLevel

In the gen.ApplicationSpec structure, the Name field defines the name under which your application will be registered. This name must be unique within the node. However, the registry for application names and the registry for process names are separate. Although it is possible to run a process with a name identical to the application name, this could lead to confusion, so care should be taken when choosing names for both processes and applications. The Description field is optional.

The Group field contains a group of specifications for launching processes, defined by gen.ApplicationMemberSpec. If the Name field in gen.ApplicationMemberSpec is not empty, the process will be launched using the SpawnRegistermethod of the gen.Node interface. The processes in the group are launched sequentially, following the order specified in the Group field.

The Env field is used to set environment variables for all processes started within the application. Environment variables are inherited in the following order: Node > Application > Parent > Process.

If your application depends on other applications or network services, you can specify these dependencies using the Depends field. These dependencies are taken into account when starting the application.

The Mode field defines the startup mode for the application and its behavior if one of the processes in the group stops. This value serves as the default mode when the application is started using the ApplicationStart(...) method of the gen.Node interface. However, the startup mode can be overridden using the methods ApplicationStartTransient, ApplicationStartTemporary, or ApplicationStartPermanent of the gen.Node interface.

Finally, the LogLevel field allows you to set the logging level for the entire group of processes. If this option is not specified, the node's logging level will be used. However, individual processes can override this setting by specifying it in the ApplicationMemberSpec.Options during the process startup specification.

Application Startup Modes

Ergo Framework provides three startup modes for applications, each determining how the application behaves when one of its processes stops:

  1. gen.ApplicationModeTemporary: This is the default startup mode if no specific mode is indicated in the application's specification (gen.ApplicationSpec). In this mode, the termination of any individual process (for any reason) does not lead to the shutdown of the entire application. The application will only stop when all the processes in the application group, as defined in the Group field of the gen.ApplicationSpec, have stopped. The application will always stop with the reason gen.TerminationReasonNormal.

  2. gen.ApplicationModeTransient: The application stops only when one of its processes terminates unexpectedly (with a reason other than gen.TerminationReasonNormal or gen.TerminationReasonShutdown). In such cases, all running processes will receive an exit signal with the reason gen.TerminationReasonShutdown. Once all processes have stopped, the application will terminate with the reason that caused the initial process failure. If all processes complete normally, the application will stop with the reason gen.TerminationReasonNormal.

  3. gen.ApplicationModePermanent: In this mode, the termination of any process in the application, for any reason, will trigger the shutdown of the entire application. All running processes will receive an exit signal with the reason gen.TerminationReasonShutdown. Once all processes have stopped, the application will terminate with the reason that caused the shutdown. If all processes complete without errors, the application will stop with the reason gen.TerminationReasonNormal.

Processes that are part of the application group can launch child processes. These child processes will inherit the application's attributes, but their termination does not affect the application's logic; their role is informational. You can determine whether a process belongs to an application using the Info method of the gen.Process interface or the ProcessInfo method of the gen.Node interface. Both methods return a gen.ProcessInfo structure, which contains the Application field indicating the process's application affiliation.

Starting an Application

In Ergo Framework, the gen.Node interface provides several methods to start an application:

  • ApplicationStart: Starts the loaded application in the mode specified by gen.ApplicationSpec.Mode.

  • ApplicationStartTemporary: Starts the application in gen.ApplicationModeTemporary, regardless of the mode specified in the application's specification.

  • ApplicationStartTransient: Starts the application in gen.ApplicationModeTransient, regardless of the mode specified in the application's specification.

  • ApplicationStartPermanent: Starts the application in gen.ApplicationModePermanent, regardless of the mode specified in the application's specification.

Before starting the application's processes, the node checks the dependencies specified in gen.ApplicationSpec.Depends. If the application depends on other applications, the node will attempt to start them first. Therefore, all dependent applications must either already be loaded or running before starting the application. If the dependencies are not met, the method will return the error gen.ErrApplicationDepends.

Once all dependencies are satisfied, the node starts launching the processes according to the order specified in gen.ApplicationSpec.Group. If any process fails to start, all previously started processes will be forcibly stopped using the Kill method of the gen.Node interface, and the startup process will return an error.

After all processes are successfully started, the Start callback method of the gen.ApplicationBehavior interface is called, and the application transitions to the running state.

You can retrieve information about the application using the ApplicationInfo method of the gen.Node interface. This method returns a gen.ApplicationInfo structure that contains summary information about the application and its current state.

Stopping an Application

To stop an application, the gen.Node interface provides the ApplicationStop method. When this method is called, the application sends an exit signal to all of its processes with the reason gen.TerminateReasonShutdown and waits for them to stop completely.

If the processes do not stop within 5 seconds, a timeout error will be returned. If the ApplicationStop method is called again while the application is still waiting for its processes to stop, it will return the error gen.ErrApplicationStopping.

For forcefully stopping the application's processes, the ApplicationStopForce method is available in the gen.Nodeinterface. In this case, all of the application's processes will be forcibly terminated using the Kill method of the gen.Nodeinterface.

Additionally, the gen.Node interface provides the ApplicationStopWithTimeout method, which allows you to specify a custom timeout period for the application to stop.

Once all of the application's processes have stopped, the node will call the Stop method of the gen.ApplicationBehavior interface, completing the shutdown process.

Last updated

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