
To handle HTTP-requests

The act.WebWorker actor implements the low-level gen.ProcessBehavior interface and allows HTTP requests to be handled as asynchronous messages. It is designed to be used with a web server (refer to the Web section in meta-processes). To launch a process based on act.WebWorker, you need to embed it in your object and implement the required methods from the act.WebWorkerBehavior interface.


type MyWebWorker struct {

func factoryMyWebWorker() gen.ProcessBehavior {
    return &MyWebWorker{}

To work with your object, act.WebWorker uses the act.WebWorkerBehavior interface. This interface defines a set of callback methods:

type WebWorkerBehavior interface {

	// Init invoked on a spawn WebWorker for the initializing.
	Init(args ...any) error

	// HandleMessage invoked if WebWorker received a message sent with gen.Process.Send(...).
	// Non-nil value of the returning error will cause termination of this process.
	// To stop this process normally, return gen.TerminateReasonNormal
	// or any other for abnormal termination.
	HandleMessage(from gen.PID, message any) error

	// HandleCall invoked if WebWorker got a synchronous request made with gen.Process.Call(...).
	// Return nil as a result to handle this request asynchronously and
	// to provide the result later using the gen.Process.SendResponse(...) method.
	HandleCall(from gen.PID, ref gen.Ref, request any) (any, error)

	// Terminate invoked on a termination process
	Terminate(reason error)

	// HandleEvent invoked on an event message if this process got subscribed on
	// this event using gen.Process.LinkEvent or gen.Process.MonitorEvent
	HandleEvent(message gen.MessageEvent) error

	// HandleInspect invoked on the request made with gen.Process.Inspect(...)
	HandleInspect(from gen.PID, item ...string) map[string]string

	// HandleGet invoked on a GET request
	HandleGet(from gen.PID, writer http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) error
	// HandlePOST invoked on a POST request
	HandlePost(from gen.PID, writer http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) error
	// HandlePut invoked on a PUT request
	HandlePut(from gen.PID, writer http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) error
	// HandlePatch invoked on a PATCH request
	HandlePatch(from gen.PID, writer http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) error
	// HandleDelete invoked on a DELETE request
	HandleDelete(from gen.PID, writer http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) error
	// HandleHead invoked on a HEAD request
	HandleHead(from gen.PID, writer http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) error
	// HandleOptions invoked on an OPTIONS request
	HandleOptions(from gen.PID, writer http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) error

All methods in the act.WebWorkerBehavior interface are optional for implementation.

It is most efficient to use act.WebWorker in combination with act.Pool for load balancing when handling HTTP requests:

// WebWorker
func factory_MyWebWorker() gen.ProcessBehavior {
	return &MyWebWorker{}

type MyWebWorker struct {

// Handle GET requests. 
func (w *MyWebWorker) HandleGet(from gen.PID, writer http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) error {
	w.Log().Info("got HTTP request %q", request.URL.Path)
	return nil

// Pool of workers
type MyPool struct {

func factory_MyPool() gen.ProcessBehavior {
	return &MyPool{}

// Init invoked on a spawn Pool for the initializing.
func (p *MyPool) Init(args ...any) (act.PoolOptions, error) {
	opts := act.PoolOptions{
		WorkerFactory: factory_MyWebWorker,
	p.Log().Info("started process pool of MyWebWorker with %d workers", opts.PoolSize)
	return opts, nil

An example implementation of a web server using act.WebWorker and act.Pool for load distribution when handling HTTP requests can be found in the repository at https://github.com/ergo-services/examples, the project demo.

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