
In Ergo Framework, a flexible logging system is implemented that allows multiple loggers to exist within a node. These loggers can be configured to receive specific logging levels.

For logging purposes, the gen.Node and gen.Process interfaces provide the Log method. This method returns the gen.Log interface, which is used for logging messages within the framework.

type Log interface {
	Level() LogLevel
	SetLevel(level LogLevel) error

	Logger() string
	SetLogger(name string)

	Trace(format string, args ...any)
	Debug(format string, args ...any)
	Info(format string, args ...any)
	Warning(format string, args ...any)
	Error(format string, args ...any)
	Panic(format string, args ...any)

Using the gen.Log interface, you can manage the logging level not only for the node but also for each individual process (including meta-processes). There are six standard logging levels that can be set using the SetLevel method:

  • gen.LogLevelDebug

  • gen.LogLevelInfo

  • gen.LogLevelWarning

  • gen.LogLevelError

  • gen.LogLevelPanic

  • gen.LogLevelDisabled

Additionally, there are specialized logging levels:

  • gen.LogLevelDefault: This is the default logging level. When a node starts with this level, it defaults to gen.LogLevelInfo. For applications or processes, the logging level inherits from the node. Meta-processes inherit the logging level of their parent process.

  • gen.LogLevelTrace: This level is used exclusively for deep debugging. To avoid accidental activation, this level cannot be set through the SetLevel method of the gen.Log interface. Instead, it can only be enabled during the startup of a node or process through gen.NodeOptions.Log.Level or gen.ProcessOptions.LogLevel.

By default, the logging level for the node is set to gen.LogLevelInfo. Processes inherit the node's logging level at startup unless explicitly set in gen.ProcessOptions.

The SetLogger method allows you to restrict logging to a specified logger. If no logger is specified, the log message will be delivered to all registered loggers. You can retrieve the list of registered loggers using the Loggers method of the gen.Node interface.

The gen.LogLevelDisabled level can be used to temporarily disable logging, either for the entire node or a specific process.

Furthermore, the gen.Node interface provides two methods for process-specific logging control:

  • ProcessLogLevel(pid gen.PID): Retrieves the current logging level of a specific process.

  • SetProcessLogLevel(pid gen.PID, level gen.LogLevel): Sets the desired logging level for a specific process.


By default, a node in Ergo Framework uses a standard logger, and its parameters can be configured during node startup via gen.NodeOptions.Log.DefaultLogger. You have the option to disable the default logger and use a process-based logger or integrate one (or more) loggers from an additional logging library.

If you wish to create your own logger, you simply need to implement the gen.LoggerBehavior interface. This interface defines the behavior of a logger, allowing you to customize the logging system according to your application's requirements. By implementing this interface, you can control how log messages are processed, formatted, and routed, providing flexibility beyond the default logging system.

type LoggerBehavior interface {
	Log(message MessageLog)

To add a new logger, the gen.Node interface provides two methods:

  • LoggerAdd(name string, logger gen.LoggerBehavior, filter ...gen.LogLevel): This method allows you to add a logger (an object implementing the gen.LoggerBehavior interface) to the node's logging system.

  • LoggerAddPID(pid gen.PID, name string, filter ...gen.LogLevel): This method adds a process as a logger. In this case, the node sends log messages to the specified process. The act.Actor class provides a callback method HandleLog for handling such log messages.

Both methods accept a filter argument, which allows you to specify a set of log levels that the logger should handle. For example, if you want your logger to only receive messages at the gen.LogLevelPanic and gen.LogLevelInfo levels, you can list them in the filter:

node.LoggerAdd("my logger", myLogger, gen.LogLevelPanic, gen.LogLevelInfo)

If the filter argument is not specified, the default set of log levels, gen.DefaultLogFilter, will be used:


The logging methods of the gen.LoggerBehavior interface will only be invoked for messages that match the specified logging levels.

Reusing a logger name is not allowed. If a logger with the same name already exists, the LoggerAdd or LoggerAddPIDfunction will return the error gen.ErrTaken. To resolve this, you must first remove the existing logger from the system using the appropriate method: LoggerDelete or LoggerDeletePID from the gen.Node interface.

When a logger is removed from the system, the Terminate callback method of the gen.LoggerBehavior interface is called.

The methods of the gen.LoggerBehavior interface are called synchronously by the node or process. If you are implementing your own logger, it is important to keep this in mind and avoid blocking these calls with complex or time-consuming log message processing.

To mitigate this issue, it is recommended to consider using a process-based logger. In this case, all log messages are placed in the process's mailbox and processed asynchronously, ensuring that the gen.LoggerBehavior interface methods are not blocked by the logging logic. This approach allows for more efficient handling of log messages without impacting the overall performance of the node or process.

Default logger

When starting a node, you can specify logging parameters using the gen.NodeOptions.Log.DefaultLogger option. These parameters will be applied to the default logger, which outputs all log messages in text format to a specified output (by default, os.Stdout). With these options, you can configure:

  • Output: The interface used for log message output. To direct log messages to both standard output and a file simultaneously, you can use the io.MultiWriter function from Golang's standard library:

    var options gen.NodeOptions
    logFile, _ := os.Create("out.log")
    options.Log.Logger.Output = io.MultiWriter(os.Stdout, logFile)
  • TimeFormat: Defines the format for the timestamp of log messages. You can use any existing format, such as time.DateTime (see time package constants), or define your own custom format. By default, the timestamp is output in nanoseconds.

  • IncludeBehavior: Adds the behavior of the process or meta-process to the log message.

  • IncludeName: Adds the registered name of the process to the log message, if it exists.

  • Filter: Specifies the logging levels that the default logger will handle. Leave this field empty to use the default set of levels (gen.DefaultLogFilter).

  • Disable: Disables the default logger.

Here is an example of how the standard logger's output might look with these options applied:

TimeFormat: time.DateTime
IncludeBehavior: true
IncludeName: true
func (a *MyActor) Init(args ...any) error {
    a.Log().Info("starting my actor")
    return nil
pid, err := node.SpawnRegister("example", factoryMyActor, gen.ProcessOptions{})
node.Log().Info("started MyActor with PID %s", pid)
2024-07-31 07:53:57 [info] <6EE4478D.0.1017> 'example' main.MyActor: starting my actor
2024-07-31 07:53:57 [info] 6EE4478D: started MyActor with PID <6EE4478D.0.1017>

The first field is the timestamp of the log message, the second field is the log level, and the third field is the source of the message. The sources can come from various interfaces:

  • gen.Node.Log(): Uses the node's name in the form of a CRC32 hash. Example: 9F35C982

  • gen.Process.Log(): The string representation of the process identifier gen.PID. Example: <9F35C982.0.1013>

  • gen.MetaProcess.Log(): The string representation of the meta-process identifier gen.Alias. Example: Alias#<9F35C982.123663.24065.0>

  • gen.Connection.Log(): String representations of the local and remote nodes. Example: 9F35C982-90A29F11


If you want to manage log message streams using the familiar actor model, any process in a running node can serve as a logger. In the act.Actor implementation, received log messages are passed as the message argument to the HandleLog callback method.

To add your actor to the node as a logger, use the LoggerAddPID method from the gen.Node interface:

func factoryMyLogger() gen.ProcessBehavior {
    return &MyLogger{}

type MyLogger struct {

func (ml *MyLogger) HandleLog(message gen.MessageLog) error {
    switch m := message.Source.(type) {
    case gen.MessageLogNode:
        // handle message 
    case gen.MessageLogProcess:
        // handle message
    case gen.MessageLogMeta:
        // handle message
    case gen.MessageLogNetwork:
        // handle message
    return nil
pid, err := node.Spawn(factoryMyLogger, gen.ProcessOptions{})

Note that the LoggerAddPID method of the gen.Node interface is not available to a process during its initialization state, as the node has not yet recognized the process (see the Process section). Therefore, an actor cannot add itself as a logger within the Init callback method of the act.ActorBehavior interface.

When a logger process terminates, it will be automatically removed from the node's logging system.

Implementations of gen.Logger

To extend the capabilities of the Ergo Framework, two additional loggers have been implemented:

  • colored: Enables colored highlighting for log messages in the console.

  • rotate: Allows logging to a file with support for log file rotation at specified intervals.

You can disable the default logger and add both of these loggers, enabling colored output in the console while also saving logs to a file with rotation. You can find an example of using them in the demo project here.

Last updated

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