
schedule tasks on a repetitive basis, such as daily, weekly, or monthly

Introduced in 3.1.0 (not yet released. available in v310 branch)

Cron functionality is provided to enable periodic job execution in a node. Its implementation replicates the functionality of the Cron service in Unix systems and supports the Crontab specification format.

To set up jobs at the node startup, use the gen.NodeOptions.Cron parameters. Each job is described using the gen.CronJob:

type CronJob struct {
	// Name job name
	Name gen.Atom
	// Spec time spec in "crontab" format
	Spec string
	// Location defines timezone
	Location *time.Location
	// Action
	Action gen.CronAction
	// Fallback
	Fallback gen.ProcessFallback


  • Name defines the name of the job. It must be unique among all cron jobs

  • Spec sets the scheduling parameters for the job in crontab format

  • Location allows to set the time zone for the job's scheduling parameters. By default, the local time zone is used

  • Action defines what needs to be run

  • Fallback allows specifying a process to notify if the Action results in an error

The Action field has the interface type gen.CronAction. You can use the following ready-to-use implementations:

  • gen.CreateCronActionMessage(to any, priority gen.MessagePriority) – creates an Action that sends a gen.MessageCron message to the specified process to. The to argument can be one of the following: gen.Atom, gen.ProcessID, gen.PID, or gen.Alias, referring to either a local process or a process on a remote node.

  • gen.CreateCronActionSpawn(factory gen.ProcessFactory, options gen.CronActionSpawnOptions) – spawns a local process. The options argument specifies the startup parameters for the process.

  • gen.CreateCronActionRemoteSpawn(node gen.Atom, name gen.Atom, options gen.CronActionSpawnOptions) – spawns a process on a remote node. The mechanism for spawning processes on a remote node is described in the Remote Spawn Process section.

When using CreateCronActionSpawn or CreateCronActionRemoteSpawn, the following environment variables will be added to the spawned processes:

  • gen.CronEnvNodeName

  • gen.CronEnvJobName

  • gen.CronEnvJobActionTime


In the example below, every day at 21:07 (Shanghai time), a gen.MessageCron message will be sent to the local process registered as myweb1. If the message cannot be delivered, a gen.MessageCronFallback message will be sent to the local process named myweb2:

func main() {
	var options gen.NodeOptions
	// ...
	locationAsiaShanghai, _ := time.LoadLocation("Asia/Shanghai")
	options.Cron.Jobs = []gen.CronJob{
		gen.CronJob{Name: "job1",
			Spec:     "7 21 * * *",
			Action:   gen.CreateCronActionMessage(gen.Atom("myweb1"), 
			Location: locationAsiaShanghai,
			Fallback: gen.ProcessFallback{Enable: true, Name: "myweb2"},
	node, err := ergo.StartNode("cron@localhost", options)
	if err != nil {
	// ...

gen.Cron interface

You can also manage jobs using the gen.Cron interface. It provides the following methods for this:

type Cron interface {
	// AddJob adds a new job
	AddJob(job gen.CronJob) error
	// RemoveJob removes new job
	RemoveJob(name gen.Atom) error
	// EnableJob allows you to enable previously disabled job
	EnableJob(name gen.Atom) error
	// DisableJob disables job
	DisableJob(name gen.Atom) error

	// Info returns information about the jobs, spool of jobs for the next run
	Info() gen.CronInfo
	// JobInfo returns information for the given job
	JobInfo(name gen.Atom) (gen.CronJobInfo, error)

	// Schedule returns a list of jobs planned to be run for the given period
	Schedule(since time.Time, duration time.Duration) []gen.CronSchedule
	// JobSchedule returns a list of scheduled run times for the given job and period.
	JobSchedule(job Atom, since time.Time, duration time.Duration) ([]time.Time, error)

Access to the gen.Cron interface can be obtained using the Cron method of the gen.Node interface.

Custom Action

You can also create your own Action. To do this, simply implement the gen.CronAction interface:

type CronAction interface {
	Do(job gen.Atom, node gen.Node, action_time time.Time) error
	Info() string

It is worth noting that the action_time argument is passed in the time zone of the job, i.e., the one specified in the gen.CronJob.Location field when the job was created.

The Info method of the interface is used when calling gen.Cron.Info() to retrieve summary information about Cron and its jobs.

Cron specification

* * * * *
| | | | |                                                 allowed format
| | | | day-of-week (1–7) (Monday to Sunday)      *   d   d,d   d-d    dL    d#d
| | | month (1–12)                                *   d   d,d   d-d   */d
| | day-of-month (1–31)                           *   d   d,d   d-d   */d   d-d/d   L
| hour (0–23)                                     *   d   d,d   d-d   */d   d-d/d
minute (0–59)                                     *   d   d,d   d-d   */d   d-d/d
  • * represents "all". For example, using * * * * * will run every minute. Using * * * * 1 will run every minute only on Monday.

  • - allows specifying a range of values. For example, 15 23 * * 1-3 will trigger the job from Monday to Wednesday at 23:15

  • , defines a sequence of values: 15,25,35 23 * * – this will trigger the job every day at 23:15, 23:25, and 23:35

  • / used for step values: */5 3 * * * this will trigger the job every 5 minutes during the hour starting from 3:00 - 3:00, 3:05 ... 3:55. It can also be used with ranges: 21-37/5 17 * * * - every day at 17:21, 17:26, 17:34

  • # available for use only in the day-of-week field in the format day-of-week#occurrence. It allows specifying constructs like 5#2, which refers to the second Friday of the month

  • L stands for "last". In the day-of-month field, it specifies the last day of the month. In the day-of-week field - allows specifying constructs such as "the last Friday" (5L) of a given month.

You can also use the following macro definitions:

  • @hourly - 1 * * * * every hour

  • @daily - 10 3 * * * every day at 3:10

  • @monthly - 20 4 1 * * on day 1 of the month at 4:20

  • @weekly - 30 5 * * 1 on Monday at 5:30


1 19 * * 1#1,7L run at 19:01 every month on the first Monday and last Sunday

15 15 10-15/3 * * run at 15:15 every month on the 10th and 13th

To view the schedule of your job, use the JobSchedule method of the gen.Cron interface. To view the schedule of all jobs, use the Schedule method of this interface.

DST (daylight saving time) and Time-adjustment support

This implementation takes time changes into account – if a time adjustment occurs at the time of the job's scheduled execution and the new time does not match the job's schedule, the job will not be executed.

For example, if a job has the specification 0 2 * * * (to run every day at 2:00), it will be skipped on March 30, 2025, because at 2:00 that day, the time will be moved forward by one hour (due to DST). After the end of DST on October 26, 2025, at 3:00, the time will be shifted back by one hour, but the job in the example will be executed only once.

Last updated

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